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COVID-19 Protocols

The AP20 Conference will be adhering to current CDC guidelines and putting in place as many protocols as possible to keep our attendees safe and healthy. Please regularly check back as protocols will be changing based on CDC guidance. 

To attend AP20, it is required that everyone be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of the conference.  Please be prepared to show proof of either vaccination or a negative PCR test upon registration, before being allowed admittance to any of the conference proceedings. If you do not wish to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test, you will not be able to attend conference events.


The CDC strongly encourages all persons over the age of two (regardless of vaccination status) to wear a mask or face covering in all indoor spaces, except when actively consuming food or drink.  This guidance will apply to all AP20 meeting spaces and attendees, with the exception of those actively presenting. Conference planners will review CDC guidance as the event gets closer and make changes as needed. Please check the AP19 website prior to travel to ensure you are aware of the current guidelines.


The AP20 planning committee has adopted these COVID protocols based on current CDC guidelines as well as examples from other conferences, such as the American Public Health Association and the National Academies of Science Transportation Research Board annual meetings.


Hand sanitizer will be readily available throughout the meeting space, and social distancing measures will be put into effect when feasible. 



Alcohol Policy 20

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Alicia Sparks

© 2020 by the US Alcohol Policy Alliance

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